Please contact me for all of your Chicagoland real estate needs!

Eileen McAuslan, Realtor, Coldwell Banker Residential
(773) 467-5345

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Transfer Taxes for Transportation

If you live in Chicago, you're sure to be familiar with the hotly debated CTA funding issue. The City has threatened to raise fares and cut bus routes if they don't get the additional funding they need. So on Feb 6, next week, the Chicago City Council will be voting whether to raise the city's real estate transfer taxes in order to fill the transportation funding gap.

The vote is for a 40% increase in the real estate transfer tax. This would mean that buyers of real estate would pay $10.50 in taxes per $1,000 of each real estate transaction, compared to the $7.50 that they currently pay. For a $200,000 real estate purchase, this would increase the transfer tax by $600 to $2100!

Why would we increase real estate taxes by 40% in order to fund transportation? The tax will actually be funding CTA pensions and retiree health care plans. The tax won't add a single additional bus or train line or pay for upgrades or maintenance. The market is already struggling to come up with enough buyers to absorb the supply of housing... why make it even more difficult?

Visit to voice your opinion on this issue or contact your alderman.

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