Please contact me for all of your Chicagoland real estate needs!

Eileen McAuslan, Realtor, Coldwell Banker Residential
(773) 467-5345

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Real Estate Papparazzi #3

At least not everyone is hesitant to invest in the real estate market today. The most saavy investors realize that the "buy low, sell high" adage applies right now to the housing market. Anyone who is waiting for "prices to hit rock bottom" already missed it.

Shares of the S&P Homebuilders Sector Spider (XHB), an ETF of the largest public residential homebuilders has risen 7% this year! In a year when house prices are down about 4% for the Chicago area and much more in other parts of the country, a 7% increase in real-estate derived investments is a serious sign of what's to come!

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