~Universal Mortgage Credit - This credit will provide an average of $500 mortgage tax credit to 10 million homeowners, the majority of which earn under $50,000/yr.
~STOP FRAUD act - This act will officially define "mortgage fraud" in the law books as well as increase funding for enforcement programs and provide stricter penalties for those convicted of mortgage fraud.
~HOME score - Obama/Biden want to create a Homeowner Obligation Made Explicit score which will allow buyers to easily compare loans and understand the actual cost of borrowing.
~Bankruptcy Loophole - Currently, bankruptcy courts cannot modify mortgage payments for an individual. Obama/Biden want to eliminate this provision in federal law.
~Federal assistance to borrowers should not bail out speculators who took unnecessary risk.
~Increasing financial assistance should go hand-in-hand with increasing transparency and accountability.
~HOME plan - homeowners who meet certain guidelines will be given the opportunity to trade their mortgage for a manageable FHA loan reflecting their home's current market value. The McCain camp estimates this will keep up to 400,000 families from losing their home.
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